The Top 2 Reasons 95% Of Blogs Fail Are Eliminated

If you are in retirement or even nearing retirement, are you worried about your income? Many of us worry for the same reason. Inflation is killing us. Four years ago, we could get bread, milk, and eggs, a lot cheaper than we can today.

CBS News has a great price tracker for your misery. Is it no wonder that we are looking at various alternatives for earning extra retirement income? What is the best bet against inflation? Having more money! But it is too late to save our way out of this situation and money doesn’t grow on trees.

Do you have a plan to help yourself? You should!

I just hope that your plan is not on this list.

What is Your Plan?

I have started a Facebook Community by the same name to discuss all of the Make Money Now options that we have devised. There is strength in numbers. Join the “What is Your Plan?” community and tap into the collective wisdom of like-minded individuals. Let’s share ideas, and strategies, and support each other as we navigate the challenges of supplementing our retirement income together.

My Facebook Group
What is Your Plan?

Does your plan include any of these options?

  • Cryptocurrency investing
  • Day Trading Stocks
  • Taking out a reverse mortgage on your home
  • Putting a large portion of savings into a single “hot” stock or investment
  • Engaging in high-risk options trading
  • Investing in unproven or speculative startups
  • Participating in multi-level marketing schemes
  • Gambling at casinos or online
  • Taking on high-interest loans to invest
  • Selling valuable possessions or family heirlooms
  • Overinvesting in precious metals or collectibles
  • Attempting to flip houses with limited experience
  • Investing in foreign currency exchange (Forex) trading
  • Putting money into high-yield, uninsured investments
  • Blogging & Affiliate Marketing
Book cover - Blog to Bank: AI-Powered Online Business Growth by Don Dixon

The list is as long as we are desperate. I could go down the entire list and point out why you SHOULD NOT IMPLEMENT ANY OF THESE OPTIONS.

But that would turn this simple post into a book.

I am going to focus on the very last topic – Niche Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.  Yes, it is in the category of a failing investment.

Ask Google to explain it to you and it will tell you that 95% of blogs fail in the first 90 days. Hmmm. OK, so why would I advocate this over all of the others that are on the list?

I have the Solution to this Problem

Let’s dig a little deeper into the reasons for failure.

The Top 2 Reasons 95% Of Blogs Fail

Reason #1 – Poor Niche Selection

When I published Blog to Bank: AI-Powered Online Business Growth, I eliminated the #1 Reason for Failure and did so with easy step-by-step precision. My approach is wrapped around a You Do You approach to niche selection. Using your uniqueness I can create a profitable and underserved niche for you. Within my book, you are aided with my complete set of AI Prompts that take you from Niche Selection to SEO-worthy Post Creation. 

In essence, I eliminated the #1 reason for niche blogging failure. If you are a Kindle Reader, grab a copy and you won’t be one of the failures. You will automatically join the 5% Club that thrive and generate income.

Reason #2 – Lack of Focus and Consistency

Struggling to maintain focus and a regular posting schedule in your blog is the #2 Reason for Niche Blogging & Affiliate Marketing Failure.  Shall we eliminate the #2 Reason for Failure together?

Use a content creation calendar to improve focus and consistency.

Create a content calendar to map out focused themes and topics for an entire month in advance.  

Yeah Right, Like I have time to do that!

I know the rationale behind this excuse. When am I going to find time to brainstorm when I can’t even find the right mood for creativity?  That thinking is so Old School! 

Your fear of what you don’t know that you don’t know is drowning you in a glass of water!

We are staring at 2025!  You have been so focused on eliminating failure reason #1 that you ignored reason #2 altogether.  

I have a special assistant who loves this kind of work.  I bet you do too! Check out the journey (complete with AI Prompts) …

The Journey to Creating
A Content Calendar

My Mission

I will Eliminate The Gray Apocalypse One Blog at a Time by showing you How to Master Niche Blogging for Retirement.  I will deliver you to the doorstep of the 5% Club of Successful Bloggers who earn extra retirement income through Niche Blogging & Affiliate Marketing.  

Take action to improve you chances to earn extra retirement income.

With the Top 2 Reasons for failure eliminated, you can be confident that you will succeed where 95% of people have failed.  

Do you need formal training in Niche Blogging and Affiliate Marketing?  I do not have a course to sell you. 

You can do what I did though.

As a ranking member, I’ll guide you through the process of building a successful online business. Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools and training; I provide the guidance. 

A cinematic shot of a man standing on the edge of a financial cliff. The ground beneath his feet is made of money, and the money is gradually crumpling and falling away. The man is wearing a suit and has a worried expression. The background is a city skyline.

If you have read this far, you are either a struggling blogger or a person interested in creating an online business and wanting to do your due diligence before stepping out and falling off a cliff. 

Here is my WHY you should consider Niche Blogging & Affiliate Marketing above all of the other “risky schemes” to supplement your retirement income.

The Power of Niche Blogging & Affiliate Marketing

Online Business is a $6 trillion money machine.

The online business world generates well over $6 trillion every year and is expected to surpass $8 trillion by 2026.  I gave you the tools to create your online business to tap into this market.  You have seen the videos touting that the average affiliate marketer is making $177,000 per year or $14,750 per month.  Is this kind of money possible?  Yes.  But the average established successful blog (2 years old) is making between $3,000 and $6,000 per month.  I am not advocating pie-in-the-sky millionaire status.  I am creating an avenue for a simple revenue stream that will create passive income to help you overcome the obstacles of retirement.  Get good at what you do and the sky is the limit.

Choose Your Personal Virtual Assistants Wisely

I use 5 different personal virtual assistants to help me plan and execute my content and calendar. We focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with you, my readers.  When it comes to “chatbots” like ChatGPT, Perplexity, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot, you really need to pick and choose your tools wisely. 

Perplexity "Lexi" my beautiful  virtual assistant

I have a complete study of their uses here.  Just as you would not want to use a hammer to pound a screw into the wall, you would not want to use a word salad chatbot like Chatty (ChatGPT) to create your post ideas.  But, you would want to use Chatty for a conversation over a bot like Copilot, which deals in facts. 

You Supply You

The conversation started with 95% of all blogs fail within the first 90 days.  And yet I continue to recommend this solution to eliminate The Gray Apocalypse.  I do this because I have formulated a simple AI initiative that will get you situated into an income-generating underserved niche that you have knowledge and insight into.  

Any niche can be profitable with the right perspective.  This alone is worth the price of admission.  Next, you have the prompts that I created for the content calendar.  The time and dedication that you put into your efforts is up to you.  I provide the tools freely.  My goal is to Eliminate The Gray Apocalypse One Blog at a Time. 

You have now reached the threshold of the top 5% of successful bloggers.

Your Future is in Your Hands

The Gray Apocalypse is looming, but you have the power to create a financially secure future. Take action today, and let’s make your retirement years truly golden. I eliminated the #1 Reason for failure and did so with an easy step-by-step approach to underserved niche selection all aided with my Complete Set of AI Prompts that take you from niche selection to SEO-worthy post creation. In essence, I eliminated the #1 reason for failure so you won’t be one of them. Using my strategy, you will join the 5% that thrive and generate income.

Don Dixon
Don Dixon

As a published author with over 30 years in Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Operations, Management, Training, and Website Development did not save me. The Gray Apocalypse is Real. I am here to help you earn the extra retirement income you will need to live a golden retirement by writing about what you love. My ultimate goal is to prevent you from living in the age of the Gray Apocalypse.

Articles: 133

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Dr Amina

Thank you for a well written piece, Don.

What I struggle with is being consistent. 

I have a day job 4 days a week, I work during weekends on my business, and doing my best to take care of the family at the same time (4 kids and a husband). What would be your #1 advice on staying consistent, when we have so many hats we are juggling, without dropping any?

And I like the link you shared to access info on “The Journey to Creating A Content Calendar.” Should I just focus on that now?

Thank you once again!



I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for the last 6 years or so and I perfectly understand what you are discussing here.

With retirement plans next year, I have been preparing myself to the time that I will not have steady flow of income anymore, thus I have been blogging and vlogging ever since.

Up until today though, I can’t say that I’m earning enough to replace my present income.

Hopefully, when I’m fully retired and have the time to devote my time more to writing and doing videos, I can say that I can beat inflation though my websites and Youtube channels.

My question is how do you keep motivated to do these things with full time job and other family matters to fulfill?



Thank you for sharing. I haven’t paid attention to this aspect for a long time. I knew WA before the pandemic. Now with the rising prices, I have to use my free time to start my online money-making business. WA is indeed a good start, but it is recommended that paying on Black Friday is the best choice.

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