You Do You Is Your Blog’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Forget everything you think you know about retirement planning. If you’re reading this, you’re like me – someone who severely underestimated how much they’d need for a comfortable retirement. You are about to retire and need to supplement your retirement income. I have a plan.

Or maybe you are tired of the soul-crushing grind and are terrified of working until you drop? For many of us, this is our reality. But it doesn’t have to be.

Have you heard of the SECURE Act? This is a very good plan for those who have time on their side to save their way passed the abyss. But what about those of us who do not have time to save our way passed?

Based on my research, The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, (SECURE Act) is no help for those of us on the cusp of retiring now. We’ve been left behind by legislation focused on the younger generations. Don’t count on social security either, depleted in 2034, paying out at 78%. Have a read here…

The SECURE Act Bombshell: Is the Government Secretly Plotting to Sunset Social Security? – Posted on Medium

As an avid user of Bing’s AI assistant, I bounced my retirement woes off the bot, asking how to survive the “Gray Apocalypse” – the staggering underfunding crisis gripping nearly 80% of Americans.

Bing’s grim solutions included:

  • Maximize Social Security, Delay Your Payout – Work until you physically can’t
  • Downsize Everything – Sell off your worldly possessions
  • Government Handouts – Find charity where you can
  • Financial Planning – Understand how short you are
  • Make a Plan – Find a way to overcome the shortfall

Welcome to The Gray Apocalypse.

You may not have heard the term, but you know the symptoms. So where does that leave the millions of us staring down this retirement doomsday scenario? Destitute and hopeless? Not a chance. Not me!

There’s a better plan- one where you can build your dream retirement through “You Do You” blogging which harnesses you and your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The distinct value and expertise that only your experience can offer. A perspective that understands the difference between RTFM (Read The F*****g Manual) and what really works in the street. That is what I mean by “You Do You” blogging. Teach the next generation from your experience.

Build Your Dream Retirement with “You Do You” Blogging

Build Your Dream Retirement with "You Do You" Blogging

I have started a movement for everyone facing the harsh reality of an underfunded retirement. Trust me when I say that you are not alone on this journey. I am not here to dwell in the gloom and despair of the retirement crisis. I am inviting you to forge a new path. The SECURE Act is letting us fall through the cracks for future generations’ greater good.

We are resourceful and by banding together, we can overcome any obstacle. We will learn all of the tricks we need to know about blogging and we will become successful at it. Our retirement depends on our success.

Don Dixon

As a ranking member at Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve found success in building an online business through Wealthy Affiliate’s AI-infused platform. Their resources and supportive community have been instrumental in my journey. If you need to explore blogging for extra income, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth considering.

Your Unique Selling Proposition is All About You

Your Unique Selling Proposition is All About You

The experts say, “Stand Out in a Crowd”, “Create Compelling Content”, and find an angle of a topic that has not been covered. Your Unique Selling Proposition is you. This is a fancy term for turning your unique passions (yes, the things you’re ACTUALLY good at!) into a potent weapon against the Gray Apocalypse. Let’s ditch all the generic GPT advice and build a retirement fueled by passion, purpose, and a whole lot of “You Do You!” This is where you will discover the power of Niche Alchemy.

USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and “You Do You” are essentially two ways of saying the same thing but with slightly different nuances. Here’s how they relate:

  • USP – In marketing, a USP is your “why me?” factor. It’s what sets your product or service apart from the competition and makes someone choose you instead. It’s about highlighting what’s unique and valuable about what you offer. People purchase benefits, they don’t purchase features.
  • You Do You – Forget fitting in, this approach is all about embracing who you are! It shows how your skills, experiences, and passions come together to create your own special something. It’s about being yourself and using those unique qualities to make something amazing for others. Your knowledge and point of view are the benefits that people will gain from following your advice.

USP: Why You Matter

Why You Matter

Everyone, including myself, will tell you that to get noticed, you must stand out from the crowd. You have seen the videos and thought, I can do this. You can, if, you can put a different spin on your niche. The difference that stands out is “You Doing You”. This is the beacon that shines through a sea of similar content, guiding your readers to your platform.

The blogging arena is vast and varied. You’re not just competing with other bloggers but with major institutions, media houses, and even financial juggernauts with bottomless marketing budgets. Standing out in such a congested space requires a USP that resonates deeply with your audience’s needs and aspirations.

Facing the Gray Apocalypse: Don’t Let Fear Win 

Don't Let Fear Win 

Are you ready to blog away the Gray Apocalypse? You may not have heard the term, but you know the symptoms.  Your life has become zombie-like.  You either go through the motions of working until you can’t, sell all of your worldly possessions to downsize, or find a way to get by.  Meaning you do not have enough for a comfortable retirement.  

Picture this: It’s the twilight of your career, and the retirement you envisioned is overshadowed by fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Did you save enough money? This pervasive retirement savings crisis is sweeping across the nation.

The median retirement savings among working-age families teeters at a stark $5,000. To add perspective, the retirement savings gap in America hovers near a whopping $14 trillion.


These numbers are a great reminder to start taking action toward planning for retirement. But is it too late for you to save your way to a better retirement? It is never too late to lean on niche blogging and affiliate marketing to supplement your income.

If you tackle this crisis directly, your blog can resonate with readers looking for guidance in these uncertain times. Your content can help you save more money and offer new investment options you might not have considered before.

USP and Niche Selection

I view a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) as more than just a catchy slogan or a marketing ploy; it is the core of your blog’s identity and provides real value to people. When your USP confronts a crisis of this magnitude, it brings urgency and relevance that binds your audience to your content.

Not all readers will be in the same boat, and identifying sub-topics within the broader blogging landscape is key. In the following section, I will introduce The Amazing Niche Master—an approach that ensures your niche selection is more than a shot in the dark, and instead, a strategic move that adds value and engages your audience effectively.

The Amazing Niche Master Doctrine

The Amazing Niche Master Doctrine - You Are Your Niche

I want you to unlock the potential in your passion for retirement blogging by carving out a specialized niche. Begin by compiling a comprehensive list of everything that sparks your interest, skills you’ve mastered, hobbies that captivate you, and the wisdom you’ve accrued over the years. Don’t hesitate to dig deep into details, segmenting your list into finely-grained categories. The vast number of ideas you generate now can be sifted through later to uncover golden opportunities.

In this Amazing Niche Master approach, I will guide you to develop a unique angle and define your unique selling proposition that stands out in the sprawling blogging universe. While niche marketing may feel like a buzzword, it’s truly your secret weapon.

I start by asking four simple questions:

  1. When you are not at work, what are your favorite personal activities, subjects, or topics that you enjoy learning about in your spare time?

I have seen some wild ones here, from joint rolling to pole dancing. Don’t laugh, these are serious niches that have a passionate following.

  1. How long have you been employed? What career field(s)? What skills have you learned from the JOB that you can put to use? Did you get a license or certification?

Pest Control to Series Six, Lean, Agile. Did you want to teach people to pass these certifications?

  1. What are some hobbies that you enjoy doing or want to learn?

Scrapbooking, Painting, Golf, Pickleball, Wine Making, and Photography, are all things we enjoy in our me time. What about you?

  1. Reflect on impactful life experiences you’ve had. What specific events, challenges, opportunities, or adventures stirred your curiosity and passion the most?

What lessons did you learn that could benefit others? Scuba Diving, Parachuting, Hang Gliding, Pub Crawls, Presidential Rallies, doing or being a part of these could have changed your life. They changed other people’s lives.

These questions are all great “You Do You” opportunities.

Competitive Focus on Your You Do You Niche

Competitive Focus on Your You Do You Niche

The next step is to assess the landscape. Perform a thorough competitive analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing blogs in these spaces. When you search Google, you are looking for new, low-impact websites that top Google’s search pages. Find these and you will dominate that niche and keyword.

It is a simple Google search to find that sweet spot where your knowledge meets readers’ needs or fills voids left by your competitors. When making content, use your audience’s words and what they struggle with or want. Doing so will allow you to create content that is both relatable and valuable, and that speaks directly to their needs.

At the heart of The Amazing Niche Master is the pursuit of a niche that aligns with who you are. Your genuine interest and authentic voice in discussing these topics will resonate with your readers, establishing a loyal community. Your USP lies at the intersection of your passion and your audience’s search for guidance. In the next section, we’ll step into the realm of Niche Alchemy – where your unique content strategy turns your expertise into a resource that retirees can’t afford to miss.

Niche Alchemy Transforms Your Expertise into Retirement Income

Niche Alchemy Transforms Your Expertise into Retirement Income

Building a successful retirement blog hinges on more than passion and a flair for writing. It requires what I call ‘Niche Alchemy’. This is the art of taking your unique knowledge and skills, along with Setting Points’ guidance, to build a successful blog that generates income for your golden years. Transforming a general idea into a unique, vibrant, and engaging niche that captivates your audience. This alchemy is essential for developing a strong USP and thriving in the competitive blogging world

Think of your blog’s content as the main ingredient in a grand alchemical experiment. Your goal? To create gold – highly valuable and sought-after information that speaks directly to the concerns and aspirations of your readers. This means honing in on specific areas within the niche space, like tax-efficient retirement withdrawal strategies, the gig economy for retirees, or holistic wellness in your golden years.

The Content Recipe is Crafting Relevant & Future-Proof Content

The Content Recipe is Crafting Relevant & Future-Proof Content

To get there, content must be informed by the twin pillars of relevance and expertise. It should resonate with your audience’s present worries, such as outliving their retirement funds or navigating the complex world of Medicare, while also anticipating future trends such as the digitalization of financial services. Where are cryptocurrencies in this equation? Each blog post should be a delicate blend of immediacy and foresight.

Of course, quality content is only part of the recipe. Engagement is crucial. Encourage comments, foster discussions, and provide actionable advice that prompts readers to come back for more. By weaving together current topics and practical wisdom, you create a blog not just read but to be relied upon.

The magic of Niche Alchemy is also about adaptation. As blogging landscapes shift and content creation evolves, your blog’s content and USP must be agile. Stay abreast of changes and be ready to update your approach, ensuring that your blog’s USP not only addresses the needs of today but is poised to tackle those of tomorrow as well.

Dynamic USPs Thrive, They Do Not Die

The blogging landscape is anything but static. New trends, tools, and reader preferences emerge constantly. Because of this, your blog’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can’t be a set-in-stone declaration. Think of it as a living organism that needs to adapt and evolve to stay relevant.

External factors like economic shifts and changing social norms can also influence blogging. During a recession, readers might crave cost-saving tips, while travel hacks might take a backseat. A USP that remains stagnant risks offering outdated content, leading your blog to fade into obscurity. Staying dynamic with your USP ensures your content stays fresh, and responsive to reader needs, and positions you as a valuable resource in the ever-evolving world of blogging.

Master the Blogosphere, Secure Your Future

To build a successful retirement income blog, it’s important to stay proactive and adaptable. Rather than making one-time adjustments to your unique selling proposition, it’s best to adopt a mindset of constant evolution. This will enable you to keep your content fresh and engaging while meeting the ever-changing demands of your audience.

Stay Ahead of the Curve – Regularly revisit your USP in light of new trends, tools, and success stories within the niche. Actively engage with your audience, observe industry shifts, and leverage these insights to shape your content’s direction and maintain its competitive edge.

Setting Points is Your Guide

Consider your USP as the compass guiding you through the ever-changing blogosphere. Setting Points empowers you to chart a clear course with purpose and precision. Remember, you’re not just creating a blog; you’re equipping others with the knowledge to master niche blogging and achieve financial freedom through strategic content.

Retire Your Way with “You Do You” Blogging

Now that you’ve grasped the power of “You Do You” and Niche Alchemy, it’s time to unlock the potential for a retirement fueled by passion and purpose. Here’s how your unique USP built on “You Do You” empowers you to:

  • Become a Blogging Authority – Establish yourself as a trusted voice in the niche blogging space. By leveraging your unique skills and experiences, you can build a loyal following hungry for your insights.
  • Escape the 9-to-5 Grind – Imagine crafting a blog for retirement that generates income, allowing you to potentially ditch the traditional workforce and pursue your passions full-time. “You Do You” blogging puts you in control of your time and financial future.
  • Build a Supportive Community – Fighting The Gray Apocalypse doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. Your blog fosters a supportive community of like-minded individuals facing similar challenges. Together, you can share strategies, celebrate successes, and navigate the complexities of retirement planning.
  • Leave a Legacy – Your blog can evolve beyond a simple income stream. It can become a valuable resource for future generations, helping them avoid the pitfalls of underfunded retirement and charting a smoother course toward financial security.

My “You Do You” approach to blogging for extra retirement income isn’t just about financial gain; it’s about empowerment, purpose, and building a future brimming with possibilities. It allows you to leverage your unique skills and passions to create a fulfilling income stream alongside your retirement income.

Unleash your “You Do You” and start blogging your way to a more secure and fulfilling retirement today!

Don Dixon
Don Dixon

Over 30 years in Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Operations, Management, Training, and Website Development did not save me. The Gray Apocalypse is Real. I am here to help you earn the extra retirement income you will need to live a golden retirement by writing about what you love. My ultimate goal is to prevent you from living in the age of the Gray Apocalypse.

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